A successful mommy makeover requires plenty of preparation. Preparing your body and mind for the procedure can help ensure the surgery goes as smoothly as possible. In this blog post, plastic surgeon Dr. Kessler would like to share a few tips to keep in mind as you prepare for your surgery, as well as tips for your recovery.
Before Your Surgery
Quit smoking. Not only is smoking terrible for your health in general, it also raises your risk of serious complications during surgery. If you smoke, you should quit at least four weeks prior to your surgery. Smoking can also affect the way your body heals from mommy makeover, so it’s wise to not pick the habit back up after surgery.
Fill your prescriptions. During the first days after mommy makeover, you will experience some swelling and pain. To minimize pain and also reduce your risk of post-op infection, Dr. Kessler may prescribe you certain medications. Be sure to fill these prescriptions ahead of time so they are ready for you to take right after surgery.
Make arrangements for help. You should plan on taking one to two weeks off from work or your normal routine. If you have children, make sure to ask your spouse or another loved one to help you take care of them while you recover. Your loved one will have to drive your children to and from school for the first week after surgery. If you have a toddler, you will not be able to carry them for the first few days following surgery. It is wise to arrange for help with childcare.
Prepare your recovery station. Recovering from mommy makeover requires plenty of bed rest, so it makes sense to prepare your bed or couch ahead of time. Have plenty of pillows and clean bed sheets ready. Shop ahead of time for items you anticipate needing during your recovery, such as frozen foods and water. Place must-have items (i.e., remote control, books, phone) near your bed or couch.
After Your Surgery
Keep your drain incisions clean. For tummy tuck patients, Dr. Kessler will place drains to prevent fluid collections after your surgery. These drains should be emptied when full until Dr. Kessler removes them in his office during a follow-up consultation. To avoid infection, make sure to keep drains and any surgical dressings you may have on, clean and dry. Dr. Kessler will go over how to clean your drains sites during your initial consultation.
Avoid strenuous exercise. In order to allow your body to heal and recover as quickly and successfully as possible, you will need to avoid vigorous activity for the first few weeks. This includes exercising and lifting weight heavier than a gallon of milk for the first week. Most patients can return to exercising three to four weeks after surgery, but Dr. Kessler will determine when it’s safe for you to exercise depending on your recovery process.
Don’t skip follow-up consultations. Every patient and surgery is different, so while there are general guidelines that all patients should follow after surgery, follow-up consultations are necessary. During your follow-up appointments, be sure to tell Dr. Kessler of any pain or discomfort you may feel. Dr. Kessler may recommend specific exercises based on your healing progress, or he may recommend certain medications or massage to minimize pain.
Make Your Appointment Today
Do you have more questions about mommy makeover? To learn more about the recovery process or the surgery itself, schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Rob Kessler. Please call 949.644.6544 today.