Eyelid surgery and forehead lift are both plastic surgery procedures that rejuvenate the eye area and overall facial appearance. If you are considering enhancing your look but are unsure of which procedure is right for you, Dr. Kessler would like to help. Here, he discusses the two procedures in detail.
About Eyelid Surgery
Over time, the skin on the upper eyelids becomes loose and sags. In some cases, the skin can hang so low that it interferes with vision. Eyelid surgery can remove the loose, drooping skin on the upper eyelids. It can also treat lower eyelid skin that droops and creates those pesky bags under the eyes as well as smooth fine lines and creases in the delicate skin surrounding the lower eyelids. As a result, a youthful and vibrant appearance to the eyes is restored.
Dr. Kessler may recommend eyelid surgery if you are bothered by:
- Hanging skin on the upper eyelids
- Puffy bags under the eyes
- Fine lines and wrinkles on the lower eyelids
About Forehead Lift
Ideally, the brows should be at the level of, or slightly above, the bone rim on top of the eye socket. But as we age, the skin on the forehead loses elasticity, causing the eyes to appear hooded. It is not uncommon to have someone come in for eyelid surgery only for them to discover the problem is actually do to the brow ptosis (sagging). Forehead lift elevates the brows, creating a facial appearance that looks more youthful and alert. The procedure also reduces the appearance of the horizontal lines that form on the forehead and between the eyes over time.
Forehead lift surgery is a great option if you are bothered by:
- Brows that sit below your brow bone
- Wrinkles and lines on your forehead
- Frown lines between your eyebrows
Some patients may benefit from both forehead lift and eyelid surgery. Dr. Kessler may also recommend combining one or both procedures with another facial plastic surgery procedure like facelift to achieve your desired rejuvenation results. The best way to find out which treatment plan best suits your aesthetic needs and goals is by scheduling a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Kessler. Please call his Newport Beach office at 949.644.6544.