It is estimated that as many as four out of 10 men develop a condition called gynecomastia, which causes overdeveloped breasts. If you or your spouse is one of them, you understand the shame and embarrassment that can accompany excessively large male breasts. Fortunately, it appears that more men are taking control and pursuing treatment for the condition. News outlets have reported that the number of men seeking treatment for enlarged breasts is on the rise. In fact, the U.K.’s Daily Mail says that male breast reduction inquiries are up approximately 65 percent compared to last year. And the 2015 stats from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons revealed that 40 percent of breast reduction patients are male.
Understanding Gynecomastia
Experts are not absolutely sure why certain men have overdeveloped breasts. They theorize that a hormonal imbalance (excess estrogen) could trigger the growth of excess breast tissue, as well as certain medications, medical conditions and illicit drug use. Men that are overweight may have excess body fat on the chest that gives them the appearance of “man boobs”; although, in these cases, losing weight helps resolve the problem. In true gynecomastia, characterized by excessive glandular tissue, the size of the breasts doesn’t respond to diet and exercise efforts.
Treating Gynecomastia
There is no reason to hide under baggy clothing or avoid the pool or gym forever. Dr. Rob Kessler performs male breast reduction surgery in Newport Beach to restore a flatter, firmer contour to the chest.
Before proceeding with treatment, Dr. Kessler advises a full physical workup to rule out any underlying medical causes of gynecomastia. He also requires patients to avoid anabolic steroids, smoking and excess alcohol. Once these criteria have been met, Dr. Kessler plans out the breast reduction operation to help the patient achieve his specific cosmetic goals.
During the operation, Dr. Kessler uses liposuction techniques to remove any fat on the breasts. He excises excess glandular tissue and loose skin. He may also relocate the nipple-areolar complex to a higher position on the breast or reduce its size, if needed. Then, Dr. Kessler re-drapes the skin tightly over the modified breast mound. The surgery is typically performed through incisions created around the circumference of the areola, and the scars fade significantly over time until they are virtually undetectable.
Male breast reduction is generally well tolerated and most men return to work within a week of surgery.
Learn More about Male Breast Reduction
To learn more about how male breast reduction gives Dr. Kessler’s patients a more masculine-looking chest, please contact Kessler Plastic Surgery. Call 949.644.6544 or email us to schedule an appointment with the doctor.