The last few weeks of December are a popular time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. Most people include at least one health or appearance-related resolution. In his last blog post of 2016, Orange County plastic surgeon Dr. Rob Kessler shares his list of resolutions to make 2017 your best and most beautiful year yet.
Protect Yourself from the Sun
In Southern California, the sun is one of the biggest threats to your skin’s health and radiance. Resolve to put on sunscreen every time you go outside (don’t forget your chest and décolletage) and take it a step further by wearing a broad-brimmed hat. For the most protection, stay out of direct sunlight between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the rays are the strongest.
Remove Your Makeup Every Night
Failing to remove your makeup at night is another way to diminish the beauty of your skin. Take your makeup off and wash your face as soon as you get home in the evenings, and keep makeup remover wipes on your nightstand, just in case you forget.
Give Your Hair a Break from Heat Tools
Curling, blow drying and straightening your hair takes its toll. Try to give your hair regular breaks from heat tools; instead, let it air dry and embrace its natural texture.
Get Your Beauty Sleep
A chronic lack of quality sleep can affect your appearance in numerous ways. Commit to sleeping at least seven to eight hours per night.
Find an Exercise Routine You Love
The key to regularly exercising is to find something that you enjoy doing, because you will be more likely to stick with it. If you dread the treadmill or Stairmaster, or can’t stomach another boot camp class, resolve to find an exercise routine you enjoy. There are so many options available, including barre-based workouts, yoga, hiking clubs and water aerobics. Sample a few options to find a workout that suits your taste. If you like variety, resolve to switch up your routine every three months.
Pursue Your Desired Cosmetic Treatment
If you’ve been thinking about pursuing a cosmetic procedure to improve the appearance of your face, body or breasts, make 2017 the year you do it! Don’t spend another year feeling self-conscious of small breasts, a post-pregnancy pooch or signs of facial aging. Dr. Kessler would be happy to meet with you to examine your area(s) of concern and recommend the best course of treatment.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kessler, please call 949.644.6544 or email our practice today.